Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Brewery Visit: Slaghmuylder

Remember Belgian Beer no.54, Witkap Tripel? Well if not you can always check it out again. The interesting thing though is that whilst writing about it, I came across their ‘Open Day’ announcement. So guess where we spent the 13 August? At the Slaghmuylder Brewery. A family affair, the brewery is usually not open for visits … but then they have the Open Days.
There was a brewery visit and the explanation of the actual process. There was a beer tasting. And there was a BBQ. Pure Sunday bliss.
What you will find is that many breweries around Belgium are organizing Open Days, or visits to their brewery. A list of breweries can be found under my ‘Breweries’ link, on the right. When you come to Belgium, try to find out which brewery is open, as trust me, they are most definitely worth a visit. And you just can’t beat the tasting prices, which are at 1,50euro a beer!
PS: Glibbidy, hope you enjoy this one!
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1 comment:

Glibbidy said...

Oh that sounds like fun!