Now as funny the label and the name are, the beer is not my style. Please note this is only a question of taste. The beer is an ale beer and at 9% was too strong for me. Beer is beer, wine is wine! This beer is very dark, very strong and very fruity. A strange mix which I am sure works for many.
Might be of interest that the Brasserie a Vapeur is publicly brewing every last Saturday of the month.
New url www.belgian-beers.eu
Totally agree with you on this one Andreea.
For me it was like drimking chip shop vinegar.
I like the way that 9% is too strong, but 8% is perfectly normal...
Boak, that's the beauty of having a blog like this - everyone's pallette is different. :)
Compare though, a Kasteelbier at 11%, to a Cochonnette at 9% and you will perhaps understand the post.
A Kasteelbier IS strong, but the abv is well disguised on the pallette.
Cochonette on the other hand has a lower abv, but an overpowering acidic bite that not only over exaggerates the abv, but like the post suggests, gives the pallette the impression of being a cheap and tacky wine.
boak, i agree and trust me lots of people already think 6.5% are stong beers.
problem with the cochonette is that it kind of tastes like wine, while being a beer. best would be to try it out and then see for yourself. our group though didn't like these beers. but we drank it all in the name of reserach :)
I'd love to try them all out, believe me!
Just need to get a job in Belgium for a couple of years, then maybe I'll be able to catch up!
I have tasted the cochonnette beer just yestarday for the first time in an Italian pub, and for me it was a great surprise..both for the fact of finding such an unusual beer in a small Italian pub, and for the good taste of it.
I really enjoied the fruity fragrance, differently from what you've been writing here so far.
I hope that I am not the only one!
Bye bye
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