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Friday, March 24, 2006
Belgian Beer no.42: Timmermans Lambicus Blanche

Belgian Beer no.41: Brigand, the Flemish peasant

400gr carrots
300gr celery
150gr ham on the bone (cooked)
1 onion
2tbsp mild curry
4tbsp oil
0.8l chicken stock
75cl bottle Brigand beer
1dl cream
2tbsp finely chopped celery
salt and pepper
Clean and dice the carrots. Remove strings from the celery and chop. Peel and thinly slice the onion. Heat the oil in a pan, add the vegetables and cook gently stirring from time to time. Reduce the heat, add a little stock and simmer gently for 20 minutes. Remove the vegetables, blend in a mixer and return to the pan. Add the rest of the stock, the curry and the Brigand beer, cook over high heat for ten to fifteen minutes. Then add the cream, season with pepper and salt.
Serve the soup in preheated bowls; add the ham cut in long thin strips and the finely chopped celery.
Serve with a loaf of French bread or an Italian giabatta and a glass of well-chilled Brigand beer.
Belgian Beer no.40: Het Kapittel Prior

Belgian Beer no.39: Vichtenaar

Belgian Beer no.38: Sint Bernardus Abt 12

Sunday, March 19, 2006
Belgian Beer no.37: Hercule, the detective

Belgian Beer no.36: Vondel, the artist

Saturday, March 18, 2006
Belgian Beer no.35: Gouden Carolus, and the Belgian flag

Belgian Beer no.34: Zinnebir, and the carnival

Zinnebir is brewed since 2002 due to the above reasons. Brewed in Sint Pieters Leeuw, Zinnebir is a relatively weak beer at 6% - all this of course when compared with the ‘usual’ Belgian beer. A quite bitter beer.
The brewery also produces the Christmas Zinnebir, which is only sold between 15 November and 31 December.
Belgian Beer no.33: Arabier
Belgian Beer no.32: Oerbier, by the happy brewers

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Belgian Beer no.31: Saint Idesbald, the mystery

Belgian Beer no.30: Rodenbach, with passion

Belgian Beer no.29: Brugge Trippel, the heart of Bruges

No recipe.
Belgian Beer no.28: Vedett, the star

Belgian Beer no.27: Ramee

Monday, March 06, 2006
Belgian Beer no.26: Grimbergen, the resurrecting Phoenix

Grimbergen Blonde, 6.7%
Grimbergen Dubbel, 6.5%
Grimbergen Tripel, 9%
Grimbergen Optimo Bruno, 10%
Grimbergen Cuvee de L’Ermitage, 7.5%
4 yolks
1tbsp maizena
1 vanilla stick
1 dessert spoon orange zest
1,5dl Grimbergen Double (33cl bottles)
4dl milk
2tbsp almond flakes
Remove from the heat, retrieve the vanilla stick, and divide the crème equally in 4 ramekins. Let it cool, and keep in the fridge for at least 1h.
Just before serving sprinkle the rest of sugar on top of the crème, and place it under the grill until the sugar is caramelized. Sprinkle with almond flakes.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Belgian Beer no.25: De Verboden Vrucht, as in forbidden fruit

Belgian Beer no.24: Kasteelbier, the noble beer

The castle-fortress dates back to 1075, and it changed hands throughout the centuries, from the Duke of Bourgogne, to the Montblanc, being bought in 1986 by the current family, the Honsebroucks.
Several beers are brewed by them, among them the aforementioned Kasteelbier – the blond and the dark one. The Brigand, the St-Louis, as well as three specialities are also brewed here: the Vlaamsch Wit (the white Flemish), the K-8 and the Bacchus. And recently the brewery started producing the well-known Belgian Kriek (cherry) beer as well.
I particularly liked the blond Kasteelbier, although at 11% alcohol, moderation is asked for.
Pork fillet in flaky pastry with brown Kasteelbier sauce (serves 4)
4 lbs pork fillet
1,5 lbs flaky pastry
1 lb butter
0,5 lb shallots
5 eggs
2 bottles Kasteelbier (33 cl each)
50 cl stock
1 sprig marjoram
1 sprig lemon thyme
5 thick slices of bacon (0,25" each)
1 lb cultivated mushrooms
5 cloves of garlic
2 lbs potatoes
1 bunch parsley
5 tablespoons walnut oil
2 bunches watercress
1 large green cabbage
2 lbs large oyster mushrooms
Clean the oyster mushrooms and chop half of them into small pieces. Fry the chopped mushrooms in butter with the sliced shallots, season generously with salt and pepper and leave to cool. Make a slit down the length of each fillet and open. Stuff the fillets with the mushroom mixture. Fasten tightly with toothpicks. Fry in butter, season with salt and pepper and remove from the pan. Leave aside to cool. The sauce will be prepared in the same pan. Roll out the pastry and wrap it around the fillets, coat with egg yolk and cook in a preheated oven at 350°F for 20 minutes. Deglaze the pan with the brown Kasteelbier and stock. Add some marjoram and lemon thyme. Cook until the sauce has reduced by a third, sieve and add a knob of butter.
To prepare the Flemish style potato puree : fry the bacon in a little butter with sliced shallots and cultivated mushrooms, season with pepper, add two crushed cloves of garlic. Cook the floury potatoes and then strain away half the water, mix the mushrooms and bacon with the potatoes and the finely chopped parsley. Fry the whole oyster mushrooms in walnut oil as a garnish. Line a ring mould with blanched green cabbage and fill with the puree. Close carefully and place the puree in the middle of the dish, top with sauce, surround with the oyster mushrooms and sliced pork fillets. Garnish with watercress sprigs.
Belgian Beer no.23: Westmalle, the second of the six chosen ones

The information on the website with regards to the difference between an abbey and a trappist beer reads: a trappist beer gets only then the name when it fulfils 3 set criteria. It has to be brewed only by the monks within the walls of a trappist abbey. The brewery has to be linked to the monastery and be part of a culture that fits with monastic life. The brewery can not serve profit making purposes, and the income from the beers has to help the monks and the monastery to exist. Any remaining money is to be donated to charity, social projects or people in need.
Three beers are brewed in Westmalle: the double, the triple and the extra Westmalle.
No recipe (to follow).