This time a beer review from a fellow Brussels beer blogger, Andrew, over at 40 Beers at 40. That's a good goal, no?
Text and photo: AndrewWebsite/ blog: 40 Beers at 40
Here’s an abbey beer from the Van Steenberge group for damp Thursday. It’s wonderfully dark, and it has an absurdly thick head -- you could build a wall out of it.
The taste is burnt oak and “sour molasses”. The 8% alcohol doesn’t overwhelm. Overall, however, I’d say it’s not complex enough. A beer this dark with a head this thick promises more flavour than this brew delivers.
I was hoping for something deeper and richer.It’s drinkable, of course, but I probably wouldn’t buy this one again. Maybe no beer can brighten up a damp Thursday.
If you feel like guest blogging a Belgian Beer on Belgian Beers, drop me a line at andreeainbxl [at] hotmail [dot] com.